Why You Should Vote for Sanders in The Primary
by Emil Tinkler
After Super Tuesday and the drop in Democratic nominees going down to just two, you may be wondering again who are going to be voting for. I don’t think I am the only one who was surprised by the sudden drop especially from candidates like Warren and Buttigieg, who had been doing fairly well not long before hand. I also don’t think I am the only one who isn’t a huge fan of Biden either. So, if you aren’t the biggest fan of Joe Biden but still aren’t sold on Bernie Sanders here are just 3 reasons why I supported Sanders in both the 2016 elections and this one as well.

LGBTQ Policies —
As a young, queer, and non-binary individual, the LGBTQ+ community is always very important to be especially when it comes to politics as our rights are often the first to be attacked or to come under scrutiny. Sanders has been an open supporter of our community at least since the 1980’s and has done a lot in his policy work for us as well. As President, Sanders promises to continue to protect and fight for our rights as individuals and Americans. It would make the U.S not only safer for me but also safer for the people I love and care about. For more in depth information about his plans for LGBTQ+ protection and advocacy please visit https://berniesanders.com/issues/lgbtq-equality/
College for All/ Student Debt Plan —
Getting some form of higher education is almost required for most jobs in this country that pay more than minimum wage. The cost of a college education has continued to increase and with it increases the number of people who cannot afford to attend. I only go to a local community college and still struggle with work and debt to afford my classes and a basic day to day living. This plan would not only help me get rid of my student loan debt but also be able to continue attending school for my degree without digging myself into another hole again. Education is a human right and with Bernie Sanders as President, we can work towards making that a reality not only for ourselves but for our children also. For more in depth information about the Sanders College for all and Student Debt Plan please visit https://berniesanders.com/issues/free-college-cancel-debt/
Medicare for All Plan —
A Medicare for All plan would ensure that all Americans are able to be covered by affordable healthcare plans that would allow them to get the help they need. This plan would help lower the costs of prescriptions and would get rid of things like copays and premiums. It would allow people to be able to call out of work for a sick day and get the treatment they need without fear of paying $300 for a doctors’ note and missing a day of work. It would help my mom finally be able to afford the doctors visits required to determine why she is always chronically ill and so many other hundreds of thousands of Americans who skip out on much needed medical attention and help simply because they don’t have enough money. For more in depth information about the Sanders Medicare for All Plan, please visit https://berniesanders.com/issues/medicare-for-all/

While these are only three of my biggest reasons for supporting Bernie Sanders in the primaries, there are many other great reasons to vote for him. He has the best intentions for the American people and has a plan for our country that truly tries to help and protect all of its people. While no candidate is perfect, I think Bernie Sanders is our best option for beating Trump and getting out country back on the right track. If you would like more information about Bernie Sanders or any of his policies that I did not mention feel free to visit his website at https://berniesanders.com/ to come to your own conclusions.
About the Author:
Emil Tinkler is a 21 year old college student living in Central Florida. Emil is agender and doesn’t use pronouns at the moment. Emil is a psychology major and a humanities minor. Emil wants to be a therapist one day and help trans kids access medical care, and loves Harry Potter, Bad Suns, and LGBTQ activism. Emil was Vice President of the LGBTQ group on Emil’s campus for a year, and will continue to keep activism close to Emil’s heart in everything Emil does.